Barn Owl pellets
Scot McPhie (BirdLife SQ Darling Downs) gives you an up close look at Barn Owl pellets with their very distinctive contents of small mammal bones.
B2B Bird and Bat Day
Beautiful barks
Paying attention to the texture, colour and pattern of bark can assist in the identification of a tree species. Martin Bennett, LUCI member, has put together a beginning collection of his many bark photos to help with identification of some of the trees you’re more likely to see in our beautiful eucalypt forests and woodlandsContinue reading
KoalaFest Saturday 20th April
Be sure you’re not mistaking and dispatching a native frog as a cane toad…
Haemodorum austroqueenslandicum – Queensland Blood-Lily
by Martin Bennett Genus meaning – Haem- being Greek for blood-red + Greek dōron gift = Blood gift The Queensland Blood-Lily is very common in the Helidon Hills area growing on sandstone. It has sparse foliage and the flower spike can grow to 1.5m. The base and lower flower spike have several strappy narrow leaves to 70cm. SmallContinue reading
Archimantis latistyla, Large Brown Mantis
by Martin Bennett The Large Brown Mantis is a common mantid species native to Australia. Pale brown in colour, it looks like a dry leaf among the grass. Mantids have very good eyesight and flexible necks and feed on insects. The Large Brown Mantis has two black dots on each side of its forewings. TheContinue reading
Frog mini bioblitz
Enjoyable, informative,..LUCI members go on a frog survey with Brett Malcolm http://brettfindsfrogs in the Mount Whitestone area. Seven frog species and various other critters were spotted and we relieved the landscape of three dozen toads! An exercise worth repeating when the next rain season comes round.
A pretty wing tale…by Martin Bennett
Recently, I was sent a photo of a wing with a request for an ID. Up for the task, I supplied a longer story than just an ID answer. I recognised the one wing as that of the Goliath Stick Insect, Eurycnema goliath. These are large insects with and have rather heavy bodies. The female can reach lengths ofContinue reading