
Frog mini bioblitz

Enjoyable, informative,..LUCI members go on a frog survey with Brett Malcolm http://brettfindsfrogs in the Mount Whitestone area. Seven frog species and various other critters were spotted and we relieved the landscape of three dozen toads! An exercise worth repeating when the next rain season comes round.

LUCI Annual Guest Speaker Breakfast

Enjoy a hearty, winter breakfast and hear about Butterflies of the Lockyer and the Plight of Pollinators from two wonderful speakers, Deborah Metters (Regional Coordinator Land for Wildlife) and Dr Peggy Eby (UNSW). Learn what native nectar-feeding and pollinating species might be sharing your place and what you can do to support them. Sunday 13thContinue reading

LUCI Annual Guest Speaker Breakfast 13th June

Enjoy a sumptuous breakfast and presentations on Butterflies and the Plight of Pollinators by two wonderful speakers, Deb Metters (Coordinator, Land for Wildlife South East Queensland) and Peggy Esby (Planting for Pollinators). Only $12.50 per person, children free. Arrive from 7:30am at Stockyard Creek Community Hall, Stockyard. Bookings essential RSVP by 8th June to