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Finding Platypus in the Lockyer Community Workshop

February 20, 2022

Platypus have been observed in the Lockyer in the past but are they still here?  Find out how eDNA can help establish the presence of Platypus in the Lockyer's waterways and how you can get involved.   Sunday 20th February at Mulgowie Hall, 1:00-4:00pm. 

As part of a broader bushfire recovery project funded by the  Great Eastern Ranges and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (Australia), an ecologist from Wildlife Qeensland's PlatypusWatch Network will speak at a community workshop on eDNA research on the Platypus and demonstrate the eDNA sampling method.

Bookings essential by 14th February.  Register here Finding-platypus-in-the-Lockyer-tickets

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